A Passion of mine, Shared with You

The Founder, Chief
Creativity and art is a necessary human outlet.
Hey there! My name is Chief. I'm an artist Living in Ireland and I started Chief Drawing back in 2020. I moved over to Ireland as a young child from England nearly two decades ago.
I always loved drawing! When I was a kid it was my main pastime. I always imagined being an artist when I grew up, even if my drawings as a child were a little macabre to say the least.
I started Chief Drawing so I could have a platform to share my art with others and maybe even sell a piece or two. Once I found a platform for it I was able to set up my store and start sharing my art with the world!
I really enjoy creating art of all kinds but lately I have focused more on digital and traditional pen and paper drawings and I have really had a blast! I plan to continue creating even more art for as long as I can! I'm really enjoying the process and seeing my art become more popular has been greatly fulfilling.
The Story so far
Chief Drawing is my passion project. It was on my mind for a long time before it was founded in 2020.
The image on the right is the first background I drew in college in around 2015. I drew it for myself as a college desktop image but then it seemed to catch people's eyes online. From that point on I thought that maybe it's not just me that enjoys my pictures. I soon realised that it was important to have a home for my art online. I started off with a DeviantArt page and then after looking more into it, I started Chief Drawing.
The small silver lining to the 2020 lockdown for me was that it gave me the time needed to start up the store and get back into creating art in my extra spare time. Although Chief Drawing is new in the grand scheme of things, it has been a long time coming. I know we are just starting but Chief will be here for a long time to come.

Restoring the Earth's Lungs, One Order at a Time
I am a true believer that all of us are stewards of this beautiful planet in our own little way and Chief Drawing is no different! For each order you make we take a portion of the profit and give it to a fantastic Non-Profit Organisation called One Tree Planted. They take this donation and they plant a tree for us in one of their many locations across the world.
I love gardeining and forests are some of my favourite places, so setting up a way to grow larger forests the more orders I make seemed like a good way to consolidate these two interests.
Planting a tree with every order is one of the ways we try to do some actual good. Something so basic and cheap is the way forward in regards to being a steward of Earth. Trees make our air and they are 100% more useful than a politician!
Me in Real Life
Excuse the 'big hair' haha! This is a picture of me that my, now, wife took when I received my first ever Chief Drawing print over half a decade ago. I still have it even though we have since moved away from our little 'slum' as we called it.
Since this picture was taken my wife and I have changed careers and home, but I am still creating new art and I plan to move into animation as soon as I can. I have spoken with Chief Drawing customers and even made custom pieces for different people. If you think of a custom piece that you would like me to tackle then get in touch and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I have also moved into the YouTube space where I post my time-lapses, shorts, and even game builds. Check that out if you want some easy watching or click here to hear my first ever commentary video.
I plan on continuing my art journey, whether it is by posting timelapses on YouTubes, posting on one of the many social media platforms or even making frame by frame animations. Whatever it is, I really hope you will be along for the journey!
Subscribe to my YouTube or Follow me on Instagram
Feel free to subscribe to chiefdrawing YouTube or Instagram to keep up to date with any of my new videos or content that I create. Stay well, friend and I'll see you there!